As a fleet and safety company, we field a lot of questions regarding our dash-cam systems.
Our clients are typically savvy buyers and do their research. As you know, there are a lot of options to choose from. Some have GPS tracking built-in, others do not. Some have audio options, others do not. The list of features and benefits can get quite long.
With all of the options, we want to ensure everyone understands the difference between our dashcam integrated with telematics, versus a big box dashcam.
If you are thinking about integrating a dashcam into your fleet it’s important that the camera features real-time, is reliable, easy to use, and is multi-functional.
Below you will find the comparison between a big box brand versus a reputable telematics solution like our IQ-Cam:

Unlike many of the big-box systems, with our IQ-Cam, you do not have to retrieve the SD card to view data. All you have to do is log in to your account to view live and historical events. You set customized push notifications, get notified in real-time of safety alerts, emergency events, and any tampering or vibration detections. Simplify visually tracking your fleet with the IQ-Cam. Trusting in your solution is the first step. With the IQ-Cam that box is checked, but the same cannot be said for most Big Box solutions. For more information on how to get your team started on the right path, give us a shout at 920-205-9644 or email us at
Call now and learn about our new rental program. This allows you to utilize the products and services without the upfront cost.