GPS Savings

Did you know GPS could save you thousands of dollars each month?

There are inefficiencies in fule consumption, driver overtime, and wear on vehicles that are hard to overcome without the constant monitoring and small optimisations GPS provides.

Curious how much you could save?

Enter your numbers below and we will do the math.


Your Savings

Fuel Savings

Please enter the total number of Vehicles in Fleet.
How many vehicles are in your fleet?
Please enter the total number of drivers for all vehicles in your fleet.
How many full-time drivers do you have? Note: Count 2 half-time drivers as 1 full-time driver.
Please enter the average miles per day of driving per vehicle.
What’s the average number of miles traveled per day per vehicle?
Please enter the fuel cost per gallon.
What is your average fuel cost per gallon?
Please enter the average miles per gallon for your fleet.
What is the average miles per gallon (MPG) rate per vehicle?

Overtime Savings

Please enter the driver overtime pay rate, hourly.
What is your average hourly overtime pay rate?
Please enter the estimated average number of overtime hours you pay per week per driver.
What is the estimated average number of overtime hours paid per week for each driver?

Vehicle Savings

Please enter the average driver regular pay rate, hourly.
What is your average regular hourly pay rate per driver?
Please enter the average vehicle cost per month.
What is your average vehicle cost per month? Note: Include cost of vehicle, ownership and operation, maintenance, insurance, etc.


Fuel Savings$0.00
Overtime Savings$0.00
Vehicle Savings$0.00
Total Monthly Savings$0.00
Annual Savings$0.00

Let's Talk About


Numbers are nice, but GPS is where the savings actually happens. Let’s talk about getting it in your fleet.

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